Sunday 29 October 2017



Glycolysis is the simply the process of breaking down a sugar such as Gluclose into energy and pyruvate.
The chemical equation for respiration is:

C6H12O6  +    6O2        ==>         6CO2                +     6H20  + ATP
Glucose       Oxygen                 Carbon dioxide           Water     Energy

the main stages of glycolysis are:

Stage One: To trap the glucose in the cell and destabilise it structure.

Stage Two: To break down the glucose into smaller components.

Stage Three: Harvest the energy to form ATP molecules and pyruvates.

As this topic is very complicated and difficult to make it simpler with less rambling. I am going to break glycolysis into ten simple steps!


The phosphorylation of glucose, glucose moves into the cell with the help of a membrane transporter and once inside the cytoplasm it undergoes phosphorylation process that is catalysed by protein kinases called hexokinase. 

This step is important as:

-Makes glucose polar which traps the glucose into the cell.
-The negatively charged phosphate group stops the glucose from moving across the cell membrane.
-The addition of a charged moiety on the glucose destabilises the structure and increases its energy which makes it more reactive and more likely to undergo glycolysis.
Some information on the enzyme hexokinase:
-Hexokinase depends on the presence of a divalent metal atom such as Mg2+
-Glucose moves into the active site of hexokinase which creates a induced fit, which seals off water out and stops ATP from being hydrolysed and it also places the glucose sugar more closer to the ATP.


Enzyme phosphogluclase isomerase transforms on aldose (glucose 6 phosphate) into a ketose (fructose 6 phosphate)


The OH group on carbon one of fructose 6 phosphate is phosphorylised by ATP and catalysed by PFK enzyme.

Phosphofructokinase (PFK) adds a second phosphoryl group on the sugar which commits the sugar to glycolysis. 


Here we can see the breakdown of gluclose into smaller components. The aim of stage 2 is to cleave the fructose 1,6 bisphosphat inot two 3 carbon molecules called Glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate (GAP).
An enzyme called aldolase catalyse the breakdown of fructose 1.6 bisphosphate into two different 3 carbon moleculates called glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate and Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DAP) 

The glyceraldehyde lies directly on the glycolysis pathway which means it can go directly onto stage 3 of glycolysis without any problems, however Dehydroxyacetone phosphate (DAP) does not so needs to be modified. To prevent the loss of energy potential the DAP must to be converted to GAP.


An enzyme called triose phosphate isomerase catalyse the rapid and reversible conversion of DAP to GAP. 

TPI catalyses the conversion of the ketose (DAP) into aldose (GAP) via an intermolecular redox reaction in which a hydrogen is transferred from carbon one to carbon 2.


This is stage three where glycolysis aims to harvest the energy in glyceraldehyde 3 phsophate to form ATP, NADH and pyruvate molecules.

The initial process involves the conversion of the glyceraldehyde 3 phsophate (GAP) into 1.3 Bisphoglycerate this reaction is catalysed by anenzyme called Glyceradlehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase.


The transfer to ADP of the high energy phosphate group that was generated in step  6 to make ATP. It is catalysed by the enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase.


The left over phosphate ester linkage in 3 phosphoglycerate which has a very low free energy of hydrolysis is moved to carbon 2 from carbon 3 to create 2 phosphoglycerate.
It is catalysed by the enzyme phosphoglycerate mutase.


The removal of water from 2 phosphoglycerate which creates a high energy enol phosphate linkage. It is also catalysed by enolase enzyme.

STEP 10:

The transfer to ADP of the high energy phosphate group that was generate in step 9 creates glycolysis. This is catalysed by the pyruvate kinase enzyme. 

The whole process: 

TIP: ... and that is it! Learning this the first time round can be quite tricky! From all the diagrams and names it does look puzzling but with practice and going over it a number of time you will get the hang of it! I personally found this topic the hardest in biology and I have written the notes in a very simple and concise way! I have attached a additional video which I have found useful in understanding this topic.

Sunday 22 October 2017

Lipid Analysis-Thin Layer Chromatography

Lipid Analysis

Thin layer chromatography (TLC)

Chromatography is the process of separating a mixture by passing it into a solution where its components move at different rates.

Chromatography is a technique that can be used for a wide range of chemistry and biological processes, but for now I will tell you about thin layer chromatography in terms of membrane proteins and separating its lipid components that the membrane contains.

1-Sample is spotted this is called the origin and left to dry on a glass or metal plated this is covered in a layer of silicic acid.

2-Sample components are carried up the plate by the solvent and due to the capillary action.

3-Lipid components separate due to polarity differences.

4-more polar substances is down the plate whilst less polar substances are up the plate. 

In the next few blogs we will be discussing more about membrane proteins. 


Wednesday 18 October 2017

The mammalian gaseous exchange system (basics)

The mammalian gaseous exchange system

Gaseous exchange: is the transfer of oxygen from the air into the blood and carbon dioxide in the blood to the air.

The gaseous exchange system has to keep a balance in providing gaseous exchange and making sure not too much water is lost from the body.

This is what the main gaseous exchange system looks like:

Nasal  Cavity: warms air that enters the body and can trap dust and bacteria which protects the body from diseases, hairy nose hairs warm air breathed in to body temperature (37◦) this also reduced evaporation from the lungs by limiting the concentration gradient for diffusion to occur.

The main features of the nasal cavity is that it has good blood supply and lined with hairs and mucus secreting hairs called epithelial and goblet cells respectively).

Trachea: Prevents the collapse of the respiratory system and traps dust and bacteria and has cilia which sweeps mucus and dust away from the lungs.

-It is supported by flexible rings of incomplete rings of cartilage and lined with goblet cells and ciliated epithelium cells.

Bronchus: very similar to the trachea made from incomplete rings of cartilage and helps prevent collapse of the system.

Bronchioles:  Are able to constrict  and dilate (become smaller and wider) so to control the amount of the air reaching the lungs.

-Capable of doing some gaseous exchange and contains smooth muscles  with no cartilage and flattened epithelium cells.

Alveoli: A very important part of the system where most of the gaseous exchange happens, it is a small sac very much like a balloon.

provides a short diffusion pathway which increases the diffusion rate due to the single layer of flattened epithelium cells.

contains elastic fibers and collagen which enables the stretching and elastic recoil during ventilation this can help increase the amount of air that can breathed in and stops it from bursting.

Alveoli have large surface areas which can increase the rate of diffusion and has a good blood supply as many capillaries are very close by which provide a steep concentration of very high deoxygenated blood and very rich oxygenated blood coming together so the exchange can happen very quickly.

alveoli is  covered with a layer of surfactant which stop the alveoli from collapsing and keeps it remained open.

Here is what a Alveoli looks like:  note that there are many thousands of alveoli in the lungs possibly millions!

Ventilation: Air that moves in and out of the lungs.

Ventilation happens because of changes in pressure ventilation helps us have a steep concentration gradient in the lungs of low and high oxygen concentration which allows for very fast gaseous exchange.

There are two types of ventilation called inhalation and expiration more commonly known as breathing in and out.

the steps of how each process occurs is written below:
Inspiration (Inhalation- breathing in)
1-External intercostal muscles contract
2-Ribs move up and out
3-Diaphragm contracts and flattens
4-Throax volume increases
5-Air pressure in the lungs lower
6-Air moves into the lungs

Expiration (Exhalation-breathing out)
1-External intercostal muscles relax
2-Ribs move down and in
3-Diaphragm relaxes and goes to being domed shaped
4-Throax volume decreases
5-Air pressure rise
6-Air moves out of lungs

TIP: As you may have noticed that Inspiration is the opposite of Expiration so it may be easier to just learn one and just write the opposite if needed when it comes to the exams.

Inspiration is a active process which means it needs energy but Expiration at rest is passive and does not require energy. However forceful expiration does require energy such as when you are coughing.


Monday 16 October 2017


Hi there!

I would like to welcome you to my blog! Its going to be science themed mostly Biology and Chemistry! 

I study biomedical science and this will also add as a kind of revision for me as I will post science topics that I will be learning at University as well as help anyone else that stumbles across my blog! 

I do hope you will check my stuff out and together we can learn and be great at science :)