Sunday 3 June 2018

Structure of a microtuble

Structure of a microtuble

A microtubule is a cytoplasmic tubule made up of monomers alpha and beta tubulin hetrodimers which make a protofilament. 13 protofilaments together make a hollow tube is a microtubule it has a outer diameter of 25nm. There are different types of microtuble one type is called cytoplasmic microtubules are very dynamic involved in the moving of intracellular componenets and cell division and usally assemble as a singlet structure, the next type of microtubule are called axonemal-centriolar microbules which are very stable structure which help in the formation of cilla, flagella and centrioles and ca usually assemble as a doublet or triplet. All microtubles bind using GTP and all microtubules have polarity which means one side is positive and one side is negative.


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