Friday 18 January 2019

Genetic Disorder

Genetic Disorder

A genetic disorder is a type of disease that can create abnormality in an individuals persons DNA. Abnormalities can range from a small mutations or to a entire chromosome or set of chromosomes.
Human have 46 chromosomes in 22 pairs of autosomes. A pair of sex chromosomes are XX female and XY male. 
Centromers are in the middle part and divide the chromosomes into 2 arms called p and q. 
the tips of chromosomes called telomeres. 
Chromosomes are very similar to bar codes.  [metaphor]

The exchange of DNA between chromosomes occur during meiosis in egg and sperm cells. Oogenesis occurs before birth whereas spermatognesis occurs in the testes of mature males and few chromosomes are inherited intact from one parent and the linkage of genes is observed if genes are close together on a chromosome there is therefore a higher chance of linked genes being inherited together. 

A missense mutation leads to a change in amino acid. 
A nonsense mutation leads to a premature stop codon. 
A Frameshift mutations occurs when there is a deletion or insertion of nucleotide which are not multiples of three. 


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