Saturday 23 March 2019

Calorimetric Assays

Calorimetric Assays 

Calorimetric assays are the most used analytic methods in Biomedical science because they are very quick, least inexpensive and  robust and is used in the detection and quantification for analytes. 

The calorimetric assays they work on the principle that when a reaction occurs it will also produce a color product. This color product can then be measured using a spectrometer, it is used routinely now in laboratory all around the work to detect urea, glucose, bilirubin and a range of enzymes such as transaminaseses.

Enzymes are measured in arbitrary units were the around of substrate to product in mmol is used in a time period per minute at different temperatures and can be used to quantify viable cells using a MTT assay. 

This image is showing how the wells look like and the information which can be put into a graphical chart such as a bar chart or even a line graph using absorbance vs sample. 


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