Thursday 11 April 2019



1.Why do you think it is important for Thames Water to share scientific knowledge among its workforce?

·         Knowledge sharing important because it encourages more connection and collaboration between the workforce.
·         get to know everyone and work in happy environment and be more productive
·         Make everyone knowledgeable about scientific advancements in the field.
·         E.g. from studying the Thames water corporate responsibility and sustainability report suggest that it is important that we share scientific knowledge to help spread awareness of the implications and understanding of how to protect public water supplies and the environment in terms of climate change.
It is important that that employees share their job-related with each other, so that they will be able to perform their job better and eventually lead to higher organization performance. The more knowledgeable individuals are, the more they will be able to innovate. For a company to stay in the game, the employees need to make the most of the knowledge they have- sharing and absorbing it readily.

2.How do you think Thames Water can fulfil its environmental responsibility by sharing scientific knowledge?

·         its written on corporate responsibility and sustainability report. ''responsible and sustainable use of natural resources''.
·         Sending a monthly scientific magazine to all workforce of latest scientific advancements, holding seminars to the public and visiting primary and secondary schools to spread awareness to the general public.
·         creating posters and/or advertising.
Environmentalism is an ideology that evokes the necessity and responsibility of humans to respect, protect and preserve the natural world.* Promoting environmental awareness is a crucial part of being an environmental steward. A way to promote this is by proposing environmentally sustainable and beneficial projects and starting community gardens. As well as constantly educating people. By this way people can understand the economic and biological importance of eliminating the harmful products created by man.

3. What previous experience do you have in teaching or tutoring?

·         very rewarding to tutor people.
·         I have tutored 9 year olds at a elite private school for three years.
·         I am able to explain theories and complex information in a simple and easy to understand and friendly way similarly I way will help my colleagues in understanding.

4. Please give an example when you used your communication skills in teaching or 

·         I helped teach someone how to code and create website as well as buy a website and domain name.
·         I used to be in a computer club.
·         looking for someone with it experience and I know how to use Microsoft office.
Effective communication is the key to human interaction. Whenever I teach, I communicate in a respectful manner. I use a tone that is honest and tactful. When taking on a listening role, I make eye contact and focus on the speaker.

5. How do you see your career progress within the area of teaching?

·         I personally love to teach very rewarding.
·         I like the career prospects and development such as promotional opportunities of career advancement to become of senior instructor &  part of the senior training strategic team.
·         looking to stay with Thames Water for the a long period of time in my life.
·         I can handle responsibility.
Developing my skills as a teacher will not only help you deliver engaging and informative lessons, but it will also help me progress in my teaching career. Continuing professional development (CPD) is a great way of showing employers that I am committed to the company and that I will keep up to date with new approaches of teaching. Personal development way is the best way to learn new skills. And may one day I will have the expertise to have a leadership role.

6. What do you think you will personally bring to the role?

·         I have learned business studies so can help cater to achieve the company goals as well as my scientific understanding.
·         I am determined individual so will try my upmost best to spread the awareness due my duties such as assisting in workshops.
·         I enjoy teaching and open to learn from others.

7. Why are you interested in working  for Thames Water?

·         I like to drink water.
·         I like the career prospects and development such as promotional opportunities of career advancement to become of senior instructor & senior training strategic team.
·          I enjoy the mix of the business and science fields which I have qualifications for both and learned them at A-level.
·         Thames water is the largest water services company in the UK and it will be a privilege to serve the people of the UK providing them with a vital necessity of water.
·        The Thames Water reputation is certainly a key factor, I would be proud to work for a company with such a long history of leadership in the industry.
·        * A friends that works there has told me that the culture supports learning and development and really rewards hard work.
·        * Also my proven track record in teaching and my superb communication skills make me and excellent match for the job requirements.
·        * Also, the role excites me because I love the idea of sharing facts and interacting with people.


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