Saturday 2 November 2019

Acid base disorder

Acid base disorder 
Effects on cell compartmentalisation induced by changes of ionisation state of molecules.

Metabolic acids:
Anaerobic metabolism of glucose to lactate and pyruvate.
Anaerobic metabolism of fatty acids.
Oxidation of suplphur-containing amino acids (Cys and Met) and cationic amino acids (Arg and Lys).

Chemical buffers (intracellular and extracellular)
- Bicarbonate system (seconds).
- Phosphate system.
- Protein buffer system.
Physiological regulation:
- Respiratory control - the brain stem respiratory centres (1-3 minutes). Changes alveolar ventilation.
- Renal mechanisms (hours; up to a whole  day).
Its biological significance lies on the fact that can eliminate buffer hydrogen ions.

Major buffer system of blood plasma (around 70% of buffering capacity).
Not a very efficient system – pKa not within ideal range to buffer pH 7.4
Importance comes from two other features:
High concentrations in the blood.
Open system – excretion of CO2 from the lungs and reabsorption of HCO3- in the kidney.

**!!Remember to stay positive like to proton!!**

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