Monday 1 January 2018

Enzymes (continued I)

Enzymes (continued I) 

A short note:
Hi All! 
Firstly Happy new year! I really hope 2018 will be good for all of us and we all achieve the best results and learn a lot of things!  I have decided to study enzymes in a in depth topic over the month of January simply because it is a big topic and I am studying it in particular. I have also received many messages asking to post chemistry content and this will be done shortly! Please bear with me :) thanks!!!! 

Enzyme: Is a biological catalyst (it basically speeds up reactions so they can happen faster)
In metabolism we have seen that each reaction is catalysed and facilitated by an enzyme. Compounds on their own do not react with each other and activation energy is required for the reaction to occur.

Enzymes can facilitate events and enzymes can create the right environment for molecules to interact. Enzymes are biological catalysts and enzymes are almost always proteins. They speed up the rate of reactions by reducing the activation energy required to take place. Often in the absence of the enzymes the reaction cannot take place at all and the enzyme remains unchanged at the end of the reaction,

Enzyme activity= Moles of products produces/ Units of time

The active site is the environment where the reactions takes place and the substrate fits in the active site.

Factors that affect enzyme activity:


Attraction/repulsion from ionic charges of R groups contribute to the stability of the protein tertiary structure. Changes in PH affect the charge of the R group and thus changes in PH will affect protein structure. Changes in the structure will affect changes in the enzyme function.


-Substrate Concentration 


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