Saturday 13 October 2018

Disk Diffusion Method

Disk Diffusion Method 

Disk Diffusion is a Kirby-Bauer method and is commonly used for testing in laboratories. 

The zone of inhibition is the area around the antibiotic which it has successful killed bacteria around and stopped the growth of bacteria on the agar gel disk. The larger zone indicate more susceptible and smaller zones means that they are more resistant. 

To use a disk diffusion method is pretty simple the first step is to make sure you are using a well isolated 18-24 hour old specimen. Transfer the specimen to the broth.  Place the appropriate drug such as a antibiotic and invert plate and use a marker to label them and then incubate them at 35'C for about 18-24 hours, the next day you would see the zones of inhibitions and this can be measured. 


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