Sunday 2 December 2018

Mass Spectroscopy History (brief)

Mass Spectroscopy History (brief) 

MALDI-TOF MS is a very good, fast and accurate technique at indicating a species of microbiological specimens.  MALDI is also a very good process at creating gas phase ions of proteins and peptides which can be identified in a mass spectrometer. 

Mass spectrometry is a type of scientific testing technique conducted in a laboratory. It is commonly used in detecting bacterial isolates where it can use proteins biomarkers to find differences at a species level. MALDI was founded in 1985 by Hillenkamp and Karas in which they had found Alanine which is a type of a amino acid is easily ionised if it was mixed with other types of amino acids such as Tryptophan where it had absorbed the laser energy and had helped ionise the non absorbing Alanine.


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