Friday 13 September 2019

Can Treating Gum disease help manage type 2 diabetes?

A new study led by professor Dr. Francesco D' Auito have found out in new research that treating gum disease can have a significant improvement and manageable differences on type 2 diabetes. 

Below are a few experts from the research paper: 

"Gum disease is closely linked to diabetes and it is well known that it can lead to a higher blood glucose level as well as chronic inflammation around the body, which both could promote the development of kidney and vessel damage if sustained for long periods of time.
"This is the first long-term, randomised study to show a substantial benefit of treating gum disease on diabetes control.
"Lowering blood glucose level by 0.6% is the equivalent of prescribing a patient an additional, second blood sugar lowering drug.
what do you think of this exciting news, that I thought I would share with my readers! 

let me know in the comments below!! :)

-Mr. Paracetamol 


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