Thursday 29 August 2019

CRISPR - the revolutionary advancement in medicine?

Hi guys! 

Today were going to discuss CRISPR, if you haven't heard of it before its a very simple but powerful tool which can edit genomes. This is really good because it means that scientists can easily alter and edit the genome and its  functions. CRISPR is associated with the protein called cas9 and is a type of enzyme used to catalyses the reaction and cut the DNA strand up. 

I wanted to discuss about CRISPR this week as it has been making waves in the medical community after being deemed unsafe and unethical in genetic editing on children and so called 'designer' babies. 

what are your thoughts? please let me know in the comments below or alternatively email me! I always reply! :) 

hope you all are having a amazing summer! 

Mr. Paracetamol 


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