Saturday 14 April 2018

Redox in biological systems

Redox in biological systems

A Redox reaction include all chemical reactions in which all atoms have their oxidation state is changed and in which there is a electron transfer between chemical species and a Reduction is the gain of electrons and a decrease in oxidation state by a molecules or atom or ion. 

A mnemonic is OIL RIG and stands for OXIDATION IS LOSS, REDUCTION IS GAIN. 

It is easier to understand Redox by studying oxidation number 

Examples of Redox reactions in biological systems could be: 

-Mitochondria- powerhouse of the cell. 

-Digestion of Food- Oxidation process where food molecules react with oxygen into carbon dioxide and water and energy is also released.

-Oxidation damage to Cells- which is common in all life forms and cycles and has consequences of aging and the gradual breakdown of the immune systems.

-Oxidiative Phosphorylation- Is the synthesis of ATP by phosphorylation of ADP for which energy is obtained by electron transport. 


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